Where to find kits?

Where to find kits?
A large city base on 6b6t

Kits are one of the most popular words used on Minecraft anarchy servers. They serve as the start point for many players. They definitely make playing anarchy easier, as everyone would have to collect netherite on their own, but this way, you can get elytra, totems and max armor in seconds. On most anarchy servers kits cost money, however you can find them laying around as well. Some lucky players get their kits gifted for free.


Kits are extremely popular on Minecraft anarchy servers such as 6b6t, 2b2t and endcrystal.me. 6b6t is a server that was started in 2022 by qbasty and Pistonmaster, it reaches 100+ players daily and kits are often distributed by the players for free during dupe seasons, however right now, as the economy is hard, they cost most of the time and you won't get one that easily like you used to. On 2b2t it varies, as some players are richer than others, however since the admin Hausemaster added rules to 2b2t, tons of players no longer put in effort as they can lose their progress anytime.

How kits were created?

Kits were created long time ago, once dupes were found on Minecraft anarchy servers. Dupe is a duplication glitch, the first dupe was found in 2011. That means you can easily turn one piece of an item, like a block of sand, into two in just few seconds to few minutes. Since you can put many items in a shulker, duping is very powerful. While kits can be created without a dupe, it's very unmotivating to create them and distribute as the price to create one is extreme. There exist many categories of kits.

Example kit on 6b6t

Should kits exist?

While kits make the starting days of an anarchy server easier, they could be making the chaotic gameplay too easy. The whole point of these servers is to give a hard time to the player, this could be ruining it. Fortunately, as the whole economy is ran by the players on anarchy servers, it balances itself out pretty nicely and the longer the server runs, the more destroyed the spawn, the more powerful the clans and the bigger the spawn projects, which in turn make kits less important as you might not be able to leave spawn at all.

Some anarchy servers have unfortunately died due to having such an inflated economy, so it's important for server admins to patch dupes as quickly as possible. The only way players can combat this, is to look for dupes and dupe in secret. This is how massive stashes are created daily on 6b6t.

Stashes are often found by players by stash hunting or due to insiders. Be careful who you trust. Watch the video below to see how griefing a stash looks like.

Scar griefing a stash on 6b6t

Who has the most kits on 6b6t?

Often, it's the players that put in the most time and create clans that have the most kits. They achieve this, by creating multiple dupe stashes and large impressive bases over time. Some bases stand for years on anarchy servers, however dupe stashes are often ugly and can be transferred pretty quickly. On 6b6t, since you can use the commands /tpa and /home, players can move their belongings that they duplicated with a donkey or an item frame dupe, very fast.

Dupe stash on 6b6t

Hack clients to use to get kits

Hack clients like Meteor Client are used everyday by players to locate kits at the overworld or nether spawn area. They use modules, such as X-ray and tracers, to locate their choosen block, in this case a shulker box of any color. There are 16 colors for a shulker box. Different colors often mean different kit, for example PvP, building and griefing.

With clients, you can also survive longer, thanks to Crystal PvP modules or simple Kill aura. There's no point in getting kits, if your enemy can kill you in seconds. When the economy gets hard on servers, kits become worth more and more and dying starts to cost

How to get kits?

The best way to get a kit on 6b6t, is to join with your friends. Either one of you will find a kit laying around bit further away from spawn, or you can purchase kits from a kit shop to quickly get started. Rememer, time matters a ton of those chaotic servers, as a new dupe can appear out of nowhere, or a spawn project can flood the spawn with water making it hard to escape.

Here's the full list of ways to get a kit on a Minecraft anarchy server:

  1. Ask a friend
  2. Find one at spawn
  3. Ask a player that you meet at spawn
  4. Buy from a kit shop
  5. Join a clan to get a kit
  6. Make a kit yourself
  7. Dupe your kits

Joining a clan

Joining a group, also known as a clan, on 6b6t can definitely give you the connections to get a large amount of kits or even a possible duplication exploit. Here's a list of such clans:

All of these clans and shops exist on Discord. To become a part of the official 6b6t community, you can join our Discord as well by clicking here.

A player stash on December 24th

Tools to use to look for kits

What do you need to find a kit? It's primarily an elytra, some rockets and a hack client. This offers fast travel and instant results, as you know where the shulker you're looking for is thanks to the modules that the client has.

Useful hack client modules for finding kits:

  • X-ray
  • Tracers
  • Elytra fly
  • ESP
  • Search
  • Freecam
  • Waypoints
  • Baritone
  • Nuker

What about fly and teleport exploits?
All anarchy servers, including 2b2t, 9b9t and 6b6t have an anti-cheat. Servers without an anti-cheat are too easy and boring and can create performance issues for the server.

Can Elytra Fly hacks be patched?

Anarchy servers often allow elytra fly hacks, however they can be patched at any moment. The best way to stay up to date and see what works and what doesn't is through Discord. 6b6t has an official Discord which has all the info.

Is 6b6t the best server to join to get kits?

Definitely, as the biggest anarchy server in the world, it is guaranteed that the map will never reset, you can join on both Java and Bedrock edition of Minecraft and the Discord has 12,000+ members who are all playing on the server actively. 6b6t has 150+ players on the weekends.

6b6t Spawn during sunrise