How to escape the 6b6t anarchy spawn?

How to escape the 6b6t anarchy spawn?
New player on 6b6t trying to escape the hard spawn

The spawn of Minecraft anarchy servers, like 6b6t, can be a hard place to leave. Since dupes rarely work, old players aren't as willingly giving away kits. All items and shulkers at spawn are picked up by now. Valuable blocks were mined, and only destruction and withers are left. When you join 6b6t for the first time, what to do? It's definitely a challenge to escape, however it's doable, here's how.

A base that you can create on 6b6t after escaping spawn

How To - Escaping the 6b6t Spawn

The spawn of 6b6t is over 3 years old. In February 2022, the map was also merged with 7b7t, after the server has been acquired by 6b6t, however the spawn is of 6b6t and it started on January 16th, 2022.

Step by step escaping:

  1. You will most likely spawn on the obsidian roof.
The obsidian roof at spawn on the 6b6t Minecraft anarchy server, a common starting point for players escaping spawn
The obsidian roof on 6b6t

This place has not much up there and falling down 99% of the time means death. What is more common there, is other players, especially during the peak hours of 6b6t when new players flood the server and many of them have the same challenge as you. Some will crouch to meet you and be peaceful while others will punch you and try to kill you.

  1. Jump down to respawn
Player jumping down to respawn at a new location to escape the dangerous overworld spawn on the 6b6t Minecraft anarchy server
Jumping down to respawn at a new location on 6b6t

You will most likely have to jump down many times to respawn at a location where you can freely move around without dying again. Not all locations below the obsidian roof are perfect, some have too little blocks to survive. You have might just end up in lava as well. Keep going until you find a less destroyed area at the spawn.

  1. Finding a nether portal
A nether portal at spawn on the 6b6t Minecraft anarchy server, a potential escape route but also a possible trap
A nether portal at the 6b6t spawn

If you find a portal, you can enter it, but it could be a trap, so I would recommend walking in the overworld instead, head towards diagonal coordinates and around few thousand you should find trees and life.

More Escape Options

There are few more ways to escape spawn. Escaping in vanilla by running and jumping isn't the only option. In 2024, we have many tools and methods to help us, as the anarchy scene is much more mature.

#1 Baritone

Baritone is included inside Meteor Client and it is basically a Google Maps, or more like a Tesla Full Self Driving mode. You enter the coordinates where you would like to go, and Baritone takes you there. There's a big list of commands that you can use to customize your automated Minecraft.

GitHub page of Baritone, a pathfinding bot included in the Meteor Client for automating navigation in Minecraft
GitHub of Baritone

#2 Discord Servers

Since 6b6t is an established server running for over 3 years, you can join a Discord server where players might help you escape, or even give you some items to get started. We have a blog post about getting a kit on 6b6t and it will lead you to some of these Discords. The official 6b6t Discord is active with a ton of other players starting out just like you.

Be Careful

Here are top 10 things to not do on 2b2t alternatives, like 6b6t:

  1. Do not click on unknown links
  2. Do not trust all players
  3. Do not install unknown mods or hack clients
  4. Do not click on all links inside Discord servers
  5. Do not share your base coordinates with everyone
  6. Don't grief the bases of your friends, you will be known as a griefer who no one will trust
  7. Don't trust griefers
  8. Build at least few million blocks away from spawn
  9. Use PayPal instead of credit cards on unknown websites
  10. Don't share your IP address with players on the server

Top 5 commands on 6b6t
6b6t is one of the most unique Minecraft anarchy servers. Not only it doesn’t have a long queue, like 2b2t, it’s also full of new commands.

Do you like 6b6t? Find out which commands to use everyday!

Playing on 6b6t

When playing on 6b6t, it's a very different experience from 2b2t. On 2b2t there is a 12-24 hour queue, but joining 6b6t is instant, as the server runs on revolutionary technology that supports thousands of players online at the same time, without any queue or waiting time.

6b6t also has unique commands like /tpa and /home which enable fast travel to your home, base and friends. These commands are instant and can be used at all times. They let players on 6b6t save time and spend it instead on organizing events, constructing astonishing builds or trolling new players at spawn.

Player standing at spawn on the 6b6t Minecraft anarchy server, overlooking a vast modified landscape at sunset
The spawn of 6b6t with shaders

Hundreds of players play on 6b6t everyday, as of November 2024, 150-250 players are online everyday. Players love the server, for not having a queue and instead having many fun commands.

A command like /hotspot is a command that exists only on 6b6t. The 6b6t owner came up with it few years ago and the developers of the server coded it just for 6b6t. The command is used multiple times per day.

6b6t Minecraft anarchy server TAB view showing 200 online players with no queue and no lag
6b6t TAB with 200 players online

How to get more homes?

To get more homes, you can read our blog post about the voting perks or instead head to the 6b6t shop to purchase one of the ranks with more home slots.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How big is the spawn area?

    The spawn area on 6b6t is 5000 by 5000 blocks. In the spawn area you cannot use the /tpa command, but you can use the /home and the /hotspot command.
  2. How old is 6b6t?

    6b6t is over 3 years old. It started on January 16th, 2022 and the owner is qbasty.
  3. How big is 6b6t?

    6b6t is over 10 TBs and over 500,000 unique players have joined. 200-300 players play at the same time on the server everyday.

Group of players on 6b6t Minecraft anarchy server, standing together with various skins during a sunset close to spawn
Players on anarchy with the owner qbasty in the middle

How to join 6b6t?

You can join 6b6t with the IP on Java and and port 19132 on Bedrock edition.