How 6b6t plans to reach 1000 Players online

One of the biggest misconceptions, or even lies, is that Minecraft servers can handle only 200 to 300 players online before they start to lag. While without developers and a budget, that is technically true, many servers do have the opportunity to create a world with no player limit. 6b6t will be the first Minecraft server to become the most open and free world in the history of Minecraft servers. In this post we discuss the plan.
The Idea
Ever since I started running Minecraft servers in 2019, I quickly became aware of the technical limitations of Minecraft servers. Even with few players online, things can start to lag, on old hardware and without the right configuration it's even worse. However, ever since I started playing Minecraft in 2016, I instantly noticed that all of the servers I joined, were super small rooms, most often minigames.
In 2020, when running my first anarchy server MatrixAnarchy (later to be merged with OpenAnarchy) I learned about WorldQL. This software, now discountinued, promised to allow the Minecraft servers to handle hundreds or thousands of players online in same world with no lag. This gave me the motivation, which I still have today, to create the most open world unregulated Minecraft server ever.
After the closure of WorldQL, not long after MultiPaper was created, which 6b6t ran on for around a year from December 2022. MultiPaper, while offered much better performance, was a disaster in terms of dupes. Today, 6b6t runs on a heavy fork of Folia. Patches that are applied to our fork, have been in development since 2022. 3 years of work is now gonna allow us to handle 1000 players online.
The machine 6b6t runs on at the moment, should in theory be able to handle 500 to 600 players online. Recently, when the server reached 300 players online, there was absolutely no lag. Zero. Once the player count starts getting close to half a thousand, we will quickly upgrade to the final machine which will allow us to handle 1000 players online.
How are we gonna get to 1000 players online? I believe the server would get by itself to 500 players online in 2025 simply with the word of mouth and the voting sites, which we rank on very high, due to the many rewards they offer.
However, since 1000 is the sweet number we're aiming for, we're putting in the work and advertising frequently on social media, like for example when we got 40k+ views on TikTok. We have more marketing plans, but we will share them once the time is right.
If you would like to join 6b6t and help with marketing, email us at [email protected].
How does 6b6t make money? 2b2t is well known to make around $50,000 per month from priority queue, according to data leaks, which is an insane amount that can make wonders happen. 2b2t in 2016, was very likely purchased, and since then it has been extremely profit oriented, which is why the server went on for 8 years without increasing player slots or updating past 1.12.2.
With 6b6t, we had to come up with another way to make money, because whether we like it or not, the server costs over $1500 per month to run, and we can't pay for that ourselves forever.
SOLUTION: Cosmetics.
The ranks which we sell in the 6b6t shop, consist of many cosmetics like /hat /skin /balloons /sit and some small benefits like a Discord rank. While the server doesn't pay for it's costs yet, we're optimistic that it will be able to before we reach 1000 players online.
Not only about the player count
The whole goal here isn't about the player count itself, but more about creating an irreplacable environment in Minecraft. 30 million by 30 million map, together with many commands, a lot of fun and thousands of players online, no rules and no map resets, will be something that you won't be able to find anywhere.
It's very possible that once 6b6t steps into the player count of thousands of players online, it will take a lot of popularity away from 2b2t, because not only does 2b2t have a queue, it also has rules.
How to help?
If you would like to help us, or check out the server, you can anytime on Minecraft Java and Bedrock:
Java IP:
Bedrock IP:
Bedrock Port: 19132
In case of questions, or if you would like to contribute in a bigger way, email us at [email protected] or join our Discord.