Why nether roof is patched on anarchy servers?

Anarchy servers aim to have as little limitations as possible, but why is patching a nether roof so common? It's simple. When it's not patched, the server becomes boring. Just like having no anti cheat is no fun, being able to travel on the nether roof allows for you to get from one place to another in a very short amount of time with no hustle.
6b6t has been patching and unpatching the nether roof many times to experiment, but now even the community has come to the conclusion that the nether roof should be patched. As of 2024/09/07, the nether roof is unpatched on 6b6t, however that will soon change. No more travelling super fast at no price. The highways and nether projects will come back even stronger instantly after this change.

Players that like to take it easy want to keep the nether roof, however that brings no growth and challenge to the server, which is what anarchy is all about. Highway building is a huge part of an anarchy server and not supporting it is the wrong choice.
Since 6b6t doesn't have rules, you can use automated hack clients to build the nether highways and mine the netherrack. This also creates fights, as some groups will aim to block the highways with obsidian.
You can join 6b6t on both Java and Bedrock Edition, on Java it is with the IP play.6b6t.org and on Bedrock Edition it is with the IP bedrock.6b6t.org and port 19132.