A special day for 6b6t

A special day for 6b6t
Birthday cake on 6b6t

Today, January 16th 2025, is 6b6t's 3RD BIRTHDAY!

How are we celebrating?


There are now 100 cakes constantly spawning in the 5000 x 5000 spawn area. The cake looks exactly like the one you see on top of the page.

For breaking these cakes, you get a point. To break a cake however, you need two other players to do it with you. Team work is dream work.

The top 30 players with cakes are available on the stats website - https://www.6b6t.org/stats

There's a catch however!

You die = you lose all points

This Sunday, at 21:00 CET we will end this event, and the top 10 players with most cakes, get a unique cake icon in front of their username permanently. Top 3 players will also get a free Prime rank from 6b6t Shop.

All players that manage to break 100 cakes (regardless of deaths) will get a small reward too. You can see your lifetime cakes (they don't count for the main competition) on your individual stats page.

Thank you everyone for the last 3 years. Running 6b6t has been amazing so far, with many adventures, challenges and opportunities.

We saw players create amazing builds, but also short periods of time when the server slowed down...

However, now we're back, better than ever, and we are working on some amazing things for the next few months!


NO QUEUE - 100% FUN - 6B6T