5 ways to advertise your clan on 6b6t

5 ways to advertise your clan on 6b6t
6b6t Players standing together

Clans are one of the most influential forces on 6b6t. Colonizadores, currently inactive Spanish clan, has created one of the biggest spawn logos ever seen. 555, built a very large pyramid which looks so great, it is frequently used in screenshots. LagGang, found the IKEA dupe back when 6b6t ran on MultiPaper. All of the major accomplishments on 6b6t and other Minecraft anarchy servers have been made by groups of players, known as clans. When it comes to teamwork, 1+1 isn't 2, but 99% of the time it's 3.

Colonizadores clan logo at 6b6t spawn, featuring a massive design spanning the terrain, created by players
Colonizadores logo at 6b6t spawn after competion

Running a clan is no easy task however, and just like with any product in life, one of the biggest challenges is marketing. In this blog post, you will learn the best 5 ways to advertise your clan on 6b6t, all recommended by the owner of the server, qbasty.

The list will go from least effective methods, to the most effective ones.

Method #5 - Reddit and Collaborations

While these are some of the weaker methods, as the reach is limited, you can gain some members and interest by posting on the 6b6t Subreddit or by getting an ad in existing 6b6t Discords, either other clan Discords, or other options like Wikis or Mapart ones. You can achieve that by either paying the owner of the Discord for the ad, or alternatively by creating a partnership in which you consider yourselves allies.

wantedbyDev got 14 upvotes, 4 comments and 1500 views on his post about his base. All he was missing is a link to the Discord of his clan, Imperials, as a comment under the post. At least 20-30 players would have joined.

The Reddit logo featuring the Reddit alien icon and the word "reddit" in bold orange letters
Reddit logo

Method #4 - Withers

If you have some inventory on 6b6t and won't run out of kits anytime soon, then you should definitely go ahead and nametag as many withers at spawn as possible to advertise the top 1 reason to join your Discord. It can be only one, not more, as the space on wither names is limited. It would be optimal to have a Discord vanity link with your name, for example discord.gg/youramazingclan. However, that requires 14 boosts. If you do not have that, alternatively you can use a platform which we use, called dsc.gg. It will have a similar short invite, but for free.

A wither at 6b6t overworld spawn surrounded by chaotic terrain and debris under warm lighting
Wither at 6b6t overworld spawn

Some example names which you could use:

  • #1 Builders on 6b6t - dsc.gg/clan
  • Your worst nightmare - dsc.gg/clan
  • Kits for loyal members for free - dsc.gg/clan
  • Need help? dsc.gg/clan

Method #3 - Helping new players

If your clan already has few members, then you should create a goal for all of the members, to invite 100 members in a week. The person that invites the most people, wins. The best way to do this, is by giving items for free for new players, and then messaging them an invite to your Discord. This won't work however, if you don't give them anything first. Players are sceptical of random spammy messages, so be the one to initiate the interaction in an honest way.

Additionally, rename your shulkers to an invite to your Discord or to your website, in case you have one.

A player named _notrobin at 6b6t spawn, surrounded by rubble and using glowing items under warm, shadowy lighting
_notrobin at spawn

Method #2 - Official 6b6t Discord Giveaways

In case you have spare $200 dollars, you could contact qbasty to host a giveaway in the 6b6t Discord with an @everyone ping. The giveaway would be for the 6b6t ranks, like Prime and Elite and the requirement to join the giveaway, would be to join your Discord first.

This will quickly get your Discord into hundreds of members, offering a way to have a super fast start.

The Discord logo featuring a speech bubble with a game controller icon and the word "DISCORD" in bold white tex
Discord logo

Method #1 - YouTube Videos

A method even better than going through the official 6b6t Discord, is making YouTube videos. High quality videos on YouTube will reach thousands of views, are easily shareable, and will continue gaining views months after you post the video. You can also answer comments, solving issues which prevent someone from joining.

A thumbnail of a YouTube video titled "Introducing 6b6t," showcasing a Minecraft landscape with the 6b6t logo
One of the most popular 6b6t YouTube videos

YouTube is one of the best ways to advertise many services and products on the internet. Remember to have a good hook and end the video with a CTA. Tell players how they can make an impact and why they should join your clan.

6b6t is the best anarchy server in Minecraft to play on in 2025. It offers a unique gameplay with /tpa and /home, as well as a large community with 200 to 300 players online daily and no queue whatsoever.

The 6b6t spawn in 2025 showing an explosion amidst chaotic terrain with reflective surfaces and floating debri
The 6b6t spawn with an explosion in 2025