17 players from 555 are shutting down access to 6b6t on October 31st

As we know by looking at the 2b2t map, anarchy servers can have a terrible looking landscape. 2b2t spawn is extremely ruined, however on 6b6t it's about to get worse. The players from the 555 clan on 6b6t are planning to make the spawn extremely hard to navigate in. Millions of obsidian blocks will be placed and new players are gonna have a hard time once again.
About 555
555 is one of the oldest clans on 6b6t. It was founded in the middle of 2022 by Advik. As an experienced player, he knew what steps to take to avoid failure and build a long lasting clan which is likely the most influential clan in the community at the moment. Advik joined 6b6t early on as he saw the opportunity that the server was presenting with the no queue gameplay. 555 operates primarily around the spawn and their logo can be seen everywhere.
The Cube
The aim of the first project was to show off the upcoming strength of the clan, as well as to put the first mark at the spawn. The project is located at -400 300 at the overworld spawn of 6b6t and it was completed on 11th February 2023.

The Size of the clan
555 has been patienly building their group. Through the easy times with available dupes and through the hard times with little new players joining due to the harsh environment. The group currently consists of 17 players, however there is a massive opportunity that you will learn about soon in this blog post.
The Pyramid
Yet another project The Pyramid was completed on 22nd November 2023 by players Scarthebest1943, Advik123, yvngd0v33, x3n0m0f and nocereal. The walls are 4 blocks thick and the dimensions are 320 x 160 x 320.

The positions
Each player in the 555 clan has their own role and the group is well organized to stay active and get some progress done every single day. 555 Higher Members are the most trusted players by Advik with tons of access and responsibilities. 555 members are now officially a part of 555, they're upgraded from 555 recruits, who are the new players that joined 555 and are in the trial period.
The Vision
555 aims to be a force at showing what can be done, especially at the spawn area of the biggest Minecraft anarchy server in the world, 6b6t. As 100+ players are online on 6b6t everyday, it is worthwhile for players to create projects, clans and build friendships on the server. Doing large projects at spawn shows the force, dedication and connection of the players of 555. They're also experimenting with different methods to gain power on the server, such as their kit shop which delivered over 3,000 kits.
The Struggle
All starts are blind optimism. What is great about 555 and Advik is the strong will to not quit, even during the challenging times. Advik says that the biggest challenge was making an identity for his clan. It can be unmotivating to see no results and no respect, but he's over that now and working on some projects that are talked about by the whole server.

Failed Project - The Large Logo
555 know when to put a stop to their objective when circumstances have changed. It is important to save your resources for the challenging times, on anarchy servers that is a lack of a dupe. It makes spawn projects like this way harder, which is why they have put a stop to working on their massive clan logo. One day they might complete it.

Leadership Positions
Advik has help from his friends, they all have their own roles and make sure 555 is well and alive and working towards it's next objective:
- Advik - Main owner
- Beveled Cube - running the Discord of 555
- Scar - represents 555 and it's mission on YouTube
- TheMapper - financial support and generally very active
- Svngf - advisor
- Bilasim01 - helped heavily in the early days
555 is active on numerous YouTube channels to reach the wide circle of anarchy players. YouTube is the most powerful social media to gain eyeballs on Minecraft anarchy servers like 2b2t and 6b6t. Here's the list of 555 YouTube channels:

Now Watch - Operation "Cobweb"
This is the part you have been waiting for, the biggest and most impressive project 555 will be executing starting October 1st, 2024. It will be active for 30 days and will make 6b6t spawn a completely new landscape.

The operation will be a spawn project on Minecraft anarchy server 6b6t where the clan 555 will build a massive 3d obsidian grid across the spawn. The name "cobweb" comes from the grid-like shape and the timing of the event which is Halloween. They're starting October 1st, 2024 and finishing October 31st, 2024. 30 days to create chaos and make spawn chaotic.
The software
To make it all possible, 555 clan members will be using Litematica Printer which is an addon for Meteor Client that automatically builds any open schematics very quickly. Auto building software and other automations such as Baritone have been used on anarchy servers like 6b6t, 9b9t and 2b2t for a very long time. They allow for time saving and execution of amazing ideas coming to life at speeds never seen before. We have robots in Minecraft before we got GTA VI.

Join them
555 invites you to join them to put this crazy idea to life. You can join their Discord by clicking here. You can become a part of one of the most impressive clans and join right when this Halloween project is created. There aren't many opportunities like this. When it knocks, make sure to open the door. 555 supplies you with additional kits when needed, however, please note they're looking for serious and dedicated players.